We started doing this with our Cockatoo Bimini when she first came to us in November of 2009.
- The first couple times you introduce the nail file the bird may be scared so have a treat handy. Show the bird that its a "nice" file and give them a treat when you touch their foot with the file. Dont start to file for the time being, because if they get too scared they will never ever let you try it again.
- Only do this step for about a week, each day... then start to tap the birds foot GENTLY with either your fingers or the file, and then lift their foot up. Give them a treat each time you do this. Try this for a week straight... each time focusing on a different foot. *eventually the bird will lift its foot on its own without a treat or you having to lift it.
-Start to introduce filing. Rub the file gently on the top of the birds foot, do not scrape the skin off or anything, just show them that it wont hurt them. Tap the foot you want to start with and then start with the longest toenail and only do it for about 30 seconds then try to have the bird let you do the other foot with the same toe nail. This will show the bird that it is safe to file their toes.
-Eventually the bird will let you do all of their toes. Make sure you give the bird plenty of praises and usually a big treat when you are all finished as they will be expecting one at some point during the filings.
This video shows someone (not me) doing the cockatoos toes
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