People ask how come I am not afraid of birds. A lot of people actually are afraid of birds, but I think that is because they never got to be around birds as a child. Growing up we had small birds, when I lived in Port Orchard, Washington my mom and dad had a bird named Icky Bird, seen to the left. We also had a Conure named Ackoo(im not sure how to spell it but it was AK-OO). I grew up around these birds, when I was young but we stopped having birds for a long time. In 2009, my mom went into a pet shop and found Paulie, a blue fronted amazon, who soon became my "pet soulmate". He had been moved from house to house for ten years and was abused by the small children around him. He did not really like men that much, and he really did not like small boys (he hated my little brother who is 11 now). We soon found that he loved to be outside of his cage and loved to play with blocks. We also found that he is a food lover, just like me! He loved NOODLES, MASHED POTATOES, SPAGHETTI, LASAGNA, STEAK, and ALL VEGGIES. He would yell "CRACKER" every time we brought him food (yes i know "Paulie want a cracker!?"... he said it. often :}). One day after we had him for about a month, we put him on the couch to explore... from there he crawled right onto my shoulder, without me noticing so of course I was scared, and started to clean my hair. My mom, having ran a rescue mission for birds in the past, told me that this was a sign that he was starting to trust me. From then on out, I fell in love with all birds of all kinds. Paulie was the best bird I have had so far and it tore my heart open when he died at the vets office. They were trimming his nails and beak before we left on our adventure to live in Alaska. He suffered a "trauma-induced seizure", well thats what they called it anyways, and died... It was awful. I sat and cried for three days straight. He was only in my life for about a year, but it was the best year I think I had with him.
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